I've been really trying to expand my make-up collection and try different brands. I've always saw the Too Faced make-up at Sephora and thought the packaging and feel of the brand was a little young so I didn't gravitate towards it but I recently bought this amazing palette. It was $40 dollars, and came 9 neutral eye-shadows! Everything you need if your only starting out. There's 5 different palettes that all contain 9 colours of eye-shadow, 3 cards which explain how to use the different eye-shadows to create different looks and it's all very compact so you can throw it in your purse. The 5 different palettes come with colours to help you achieve different looks. ex. natural eye, smoky eye. I thought I'd share this great find with you! I now own three of them and I use them everyday! If you picked up a neutral one for daytime and the smoky one for night time I think you would be set for eye-shadow!

If your not sure how to use these eye shadows, the palettes come with the amazing little cards that show you how and where to put the eye shadows to create a look!

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