Now that cold weather is approaching it is hard to decide what to wear on a night out without compromising style. Here are a few tips and tricks to use so that you are keeping warm and that also make you look really chic and trendy.
#1: My first tip is to pair all your favourite going out dresses and skirts with tights! The examples I have below are just plain black tights. But if you can make it work, you can use patterned and coloured tights as well. If your not looking to really change your usual clubbing, going out look than most of your dresses will look perfect with a plain black opaque tight! This look looks really well styled too!

#2: My next tip is to replace your usual clubbing shoes for booties! I prefer black, just because with the black tights it makes your legs appear never-ending and long! Booties have the warmth of a regular boot, they should have grip in-case you come across snow or ice and most importantly they still have a heel!

#3: Invest in a pretty coat! Nothing is worse than standing in those long lines outside the club in the middle of winter! Instead of wearing your regular winter coat, find something that is classy and pretty to go with all your going out looks. That way you look dressed for the season, you haven't taken away from your style and your warm! There is coat check people!
No matter what time of year it is, keep classy ladies! It's not about what everyone thinks, it's all about feeling good about yourself... for me personally, my day is better when I feel I look good.